
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

GPA Project Exclusive: The Ukrapocalypse Agenda Podcast (Episodes 1-6)


Episode 1: Orange Revolution (Ukraine)-Rose Revolution (Georgia)-White Ribbon [Snow] Revolution (Russia) Timeline 2004-2012 with the End Time Tribune


Resources for research/fact finding missions for Episode 1:

Ukraine and a Tectonic Shift in Heartland Power

Ukraine Gas Dispute - Has Putin Gone Nuts?

Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or what happens when Cowboys don`t shoot straight like they used to ...

The Puppet Masters Behind Georgia President Saakashvili

Ukraine and Georgia: Entry into Nato Put Off Indefinitely


Episode 2: Failed Color Revolution (White-Ribbon/Snow) in Russia and the beginning of the Ukrapocalypse at the EuroMaidan and the daring rescue of Ukrainian President Yanukovich by Russia 2012-2014 with the End Time Tribune 


Resources for research/fact finding missions for Episode 2:

Why Washington Wants ‘Finito’ with Putin

"White-Ribbon Revolution": The Snow Revolution’s Orange Shadow

“We are in the Midst of an Epochal Tectonic Shift”

Ukraine withdraws from signing the Association Agreement in Vilnius: The motives and implications

Ukrainian Gov. Official Oleg Tsarov talking about CIA (Tech Camp) 2013 the day before Maidan

Washington begins to destroy Ukraine once and for all with the beginning of the Ukrapocalypse: 

President Putin reveals the operation to save overthrown Ukrainian President Yanukovych and secure Crimea February 24, 2014-March 1, 2014: 


Episode 3: Ukraine is overthrown and violence and chaos turns into a civil war (Donbass War) when the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) and Lugansk People's Republic (LNR) declares independence if the face of the return of fascism, neo-Nazism, and global anti-Russian hysteria 2014-2022 with the End Time Tribune


Resources for research/fact finding missions for Episode 3:

April 15, 2014 Acting President Oleksandr Turchyinov launches an Anti-Terrorist Operation against dissenters and separatists in all of southeastern Ukraine. Violence and the appearance of Neo-Nazi/Fascists/supporters of Stepan Bandera spread in Ukrainian society and to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Thuggery becomes authority perpetrated by monsters let loose in the vacuum of the violent EuroMaidan in Kiev. Armed resistance becomes open civil war in a fratricidal genocide of Ukrainian authorities against ethnically Russian people of the south and east of Ukraine declaring independence.

Banderavites-Neo-Nazis-Fascists of modern Ukraine

May 2, 2014 to May 9, 2014 violence spreads rapidly from the fire massacre in SW Odessa, Ukraine to Victory Day in SE Mariupol, Ukraine with violent clashes and crackdowns resulting in more death and chaos. Anti-Maidan separatist militias and Igor Strelkov's men takeover Slavyansk in northwest Donetsk Peoples Republic as resistance grows to an evermore out-of-control Kiev. 

Odessa Massacre May 2, 2014

Mariupol Victory Day Violence May 9, 2014

Donetsk Sergei Prokofiev Airport is under siege UAF May 26, 2014

Crimes committed by Ultra-Nationalist/Neo-Nazi battalions of Ukrainian Armed Forces on ethnically Russian peoples of east Ukraine. Full length documentary proof for research/fact finding Documentary by Global Research TV:


Episode 4: Full-scale combined arms warfare erupts in Lugansk Peoples Republic (LNR) and the Donestk People's Republic (DPR) into the Summer of 2014. Ukrainian artillery and air force bombard entire cities as the Volunteer DPR militias abandon Slavyansk in NW Donetsk Republic and fall back to Donestk in anticipation of expanded conflict with the UAF turns into Total War. By July 2014 events turn for the worse when Malaysian Flight MH17 is shot down over the Donetsk People's Republic on the same day high ranking officials of various countries return from the BRICS Summit in Brazil including the Russian President, who's official plane paint scheme is identical to Malaysia Airlines. Ukrainian summer offensive ends in failure by August 2014 with defeat in Ilovaisk, and the first major cease-fire agreement initiated by Russia in the Minsk Accords with End Time Tribune.


Resources for research/fact finding missions for Episode 4:

Ukrainian Agony

Malaysia Airlines paint scheme compared to Russian diplomatic aircraft paint scheme....shows us clearly the identical planes as they would be seen in the air. Someone in Ukraine clearly wanted to shoot down the Russian President Putin upon return to Russian from Brazil.

Day 1: MH17 Crash Documentary

Russian MOD MH17 Disaster Briefing

“The challenges were substantial, even more so as we were in a conflict zone. It was even tougher than any other mission I had participated in, be it peacekeeping missions, disaster relief or anything with the United Nations.

“There were 10 checkpoints we had to pass to reach Donetsk in eastern Ukraine. Each checkpoint had its own unique set of challenges and we were also being followed. We didn’t know who was an ally and who was the enemy, which meant we had to be on our toes the entire time."

DPR Officials and Malaysian Commando Team reveal recovered evidence from MH17 crash


Failure of the Ukrainian Armed Forces lead to Minsk Accords 
August 2014


Episode 5: President Putin proposes the Minsk Accords in August 2014 after total defeat of Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Ilovaisk cauldron in the SE Donetsk People's Republic signed September 5, 2014. Heavy caliber artillery and specified weapons are moved from the line of contact. Fighting ensues again in December 2014/January 2015 in battles for Donetsk Sergey Prokofiev Airport and the Debaltsevo cauldron in February 2015. Full conflict stops with sporadic fighting/shelling throughout 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. The Western cross-Atlanticsists US-EU actors use the Minsk Agreements as endemic cover to build up the potential of the humiliated Ukrainian Armed Forces with Western weapons and munitions. President Putin warns of failure to implement the Minsk Agreements and of deception of the cross-Atlanticists planning to re-take Donbass and Crimea by military force. The cross-Atlanticists were biding time for planning Ukrainian AF offensives against Donbass and the Russian Federation and the Russian President countered the inevitable war coming when the Minsk Agreements expired February 22, 2022 by issuing people of the unrecognized Lugansk People's Republic (LNR) and Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) Russian passports and citizenship beginning April 2019. Under international law the Russian Federation would therefore have the right to protect its citizens when they would come under the inevitable attack of the Ukrainian AF planned offensive in March 2022.


Resources for research/fact finding missions for Episode 5:

Sergey Prokofiev Airport in Donetsk May 2014

Sergey Prokofiev Airport in Donetsk after post-May/June 2014

Destruction by Ukrainian Armed Forces Tochka-U Ballistic Missiles Donetsk Region late 2014:

January 21, 2015 DPR militia forces successfully defeat the Ukrainian Armed Forces and retake Sergey Prokofiev Airport once and for all. Airport is completely destroyed in the battle.

MINSK II Signed on February 15, 2015. Fighting in Debaltsevo ends on Feb. 20, 2015 in defeat of Ukrainian Armed Forces completely encircled and routed in major victory for DPR/LNR.

Ukraine War crimes: Tortured civilians near Debaltsevo rebel DPR say Ukraine Forces did this:

Debaltsevo is liberated February 21, 2015

Minsk Agreements never upheld/implemented. Deception by cross-Atlantic West used to fund and arm Ukrainian Armed Forces for future war with the Russian Federation. Ukrainian government does not hide this fact and plans to retake Donbass and Crimea by military force in words and documents 2015-2022. 

April 2019

Putin's Warning February 9, 2022

February 19, 2022 at the 58th Munich Annual Security Conference Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky in violation of international laws and the Nunn–Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Act of 1991 declares international law, the Budapest Memorandum, and the Nunn-Lugar Act are no longer valid and do not apply to Ukraine. Zelensky openly declares Ukraine's ability to produce nuclear weapons and to reinstate its nuclear weapons program, threatening the Russian Federation and destabilizing Europe. This blatantly insane declaration occurs while Ukrainian Armed Forces are amassing for a major offensive in Eastern Ukraine, Crimea, and the Russian Federation. 

"On February 19 in Munich, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy made his threat to deploy nuclear weapons on Ukrainian territory. He expressed this as his unilateral revocation of the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, although Ukraine was not a signatory of the agreement. Two days later on the evening of February 21, Putin made his speech recognizing the sovereign independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. He explicitly referenced Zelenskyy’s Munich nuclear weapons pledge: “This is not empty bravado,” Putin stressed in his speech.

On March 6 Moscow state news agency, RAI Novosti, quoted a senior Russian SVR foreign intelligence source with details on a secret Ukraine project, reportedly with vital covert Western support, to build a Ukrainian nuclear missile capability and a Ukrainian atom bomb in brazen violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. According to the report, Ukrainian nuclear scientists were disguising the developments by locating them near the high-radiation levels of Chernobyl nuclear reactor site, an explanation for the swift Russian moves to secure Chernobyl. “It was there, judging by the available information, that work was underway both on the manufacture of a “dirty” bomb and on the separation of plutonium,” RIA Novosti quotes the source. The primary bomb research facility was located at the National Scientific Center, “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology.” As of this writing reports of fierce fighting underway between Russian forces and neo-nazi Ukrainian Azov fighters who reportedly are planning to blow up the research reactor site and blame it on Russia. The battle for control of the large Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant is also apparently part of the attempt to conceal the illegal Ukraine bomb project.

It now begins to become more clear that Putin had serious reason to react at the Ukraine nuclear threat. A Ukrainian nuclear missile within six minutes of Moscow would present existential danger whether Ukraine were in NATO or not."

February 2022 

Russian President Vladimir Putin recognizes the DPR/LNR Republics of Donbass February 21, 2022 a day before the expiration of the Minsk Agreements in anticipation of Ukraine's planned offensive in March 2022. Russian Armed Forces invade Ukraine and surround Kiev in a preemptive action to knock Ukraine off-balance and gain the upper hand in an unavoidable war against the Russian world. 



Thank you all for visiting GPA Project and the Ukrapocalypse Podcast Series. There is little time to understand this timeline and the events that continue to defy belief. Please listen in and study the timeline of this podcast and the information provided as time is of the essence! We are in an extreme situation nationally and globally in the United States.