
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

GPA Project Mission Statement

July 3, 2013

GPA Project is a free, research driven entity. This website is for the purpose of giving it's readers a clear understanding and cutting edge view into global geopolitics and news developments around the world. It is the one-stop global navigational resource center for all those interested in keeping tabs on the history and evolution of a world dependent on and therefore dominated by the United States of America. Global political awakening to the twenty-first century realities of American-led "globalization" must become a fateful project amidst the most epic struggle in human history because, in the words of Zbigniew Brzezinski, "....globalization is the natural doctrine of global hegemony."

The theme for this website is based on the writings and revelations of former National Security Advisor and globalist idealogue Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski on the emergence of the "Global Political Awakening" phenomenon:

"Global political awakening is historically anti-imperial, politically anti-Western, and emotionally increasingly anti-American. In the process, it is setting in motion a major shift in the global center of gravity. That in turn is altering the global distribution of power, with major implications for America's role in the world...........The foremost geopolitical effect of global political awakening is the demise of the imperial age."
                                                                                                -pg. 205, SECOND CHANCE:
                                                    Three Presidents and the Crisis of American Superpower, 2007


The views, insight, and opinions expressed on this website are strictly that of the editor. The TRUTH belongs to anyone and everyone.

                                        R.A. Jones is an independent writer and researcher.