
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Don’t Say Peace In Ukraine: You Will Be Shot

GPA Project

R.A. Jones

As the events surrounding the Ukraine and the cross-Atlantic West continue to defy belief, all roads of recent assassination attempts from Slovak PM Robert Fico to former US President Donald Trump lead back to Ukraine. The biggest anti-Ukrainian War critic in Europe currently is none other than Hungarian PM Viktor Orban, whom met with former President Trump in Mar-a-Lago, Florida just a mere 48 hours before the assassination attempt on Trump in Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024 while on the sidelines of the NATO Summit held in Washington. On the very same day of July 13, Ukrainian Intelligence officials admitted publicly that they had failed at multiple attempts to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin. It is of no coincidence whatsoever that the string of recent assassination attempts of high ranking officials on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean are also extreme anti-Ukrainian War critics as we shall see.

Day in and day out US officials at the White House, the State Department, and the Pentagon are openly admitting they are in command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the Ukrainian government on what they will or will not allow the Ukrainian Armed Forces to do or not to do. US weapons permeate the Ukrainian War and kill Russian citizens daily and weekly. Failed attempts to shoot down incoming Russian precision cruise missile strikes end up with surface to air missiles (SAMs) veering off-course into residential buildings and even as we saw recently, a hospital in Kyiv during a Russian attack on the Artem missile plant.

They are all conveniently blamed on Russia but never admitted to being tragedies of the Ukrainian Armed Forces as the result of Ukrainian aggression in Ukraine against ethnically Russian Ukrainians in a fratricidal and genocidal war started in the wake of the United States government violent “Euromaidan” coup and subsequent Donbass War started by then acting Ukrainian President Oleksandr Turchyinov in April 2014. If you were ethnically Russian and disagreed with the illegal actions of the all-corrupt Ukrainian fascist junta regime or its American masters, you were a terrorist, and the label gives legal precedent to whomever makes the accusation to kill the terrorists. Since late February 2014, Ukraine is nothing but de facto occupied US-EU government and military territory.

This has cost the citizens of the United States—as well as Europe—billions upon billions of taxpayer dollars, debt, and inflation as well as cost the United States its very status of hegemony as the preeminent power on Earth and the end of the Bretton Woods US-dollar dominated monetary system. Radical unprecedented NATO expansion eastward since 2004 has cost trillions of dollars of US debt levels and recent bellicose statements coming from NATO Secretary Jans Stoltenberg that, “...the defeat of Ukraine means the defeat of NATO” is a testament to the fact.

US President Joe Biden, whom has more to do with the events in Ukraine than one can truly imagine up to and including organizing the violent Maidan coup in Kyiv, is serving a conflict of interest that has resulted in nothing short of a Ukrapocalypse and possibly, the next World War. All of this decade-long nightmare has come at the expense of the well-being of the West and cost hundreds of thousands of human lives with no apparent end in sight. This is all blamed and gas-lighted onto Russian President Vladimir Putin whom has been forced to react to the outrageous impending danger created by the cross-Atlanticists which has accomplished nothing but threatening us all with a disaster of the century that should have never happened to begin with.

Voices of reason are few and far in between in Washington and Brussels but fortunately have become much louder with initiatives of people such as Hungarian PM Viktor Orban and Slovak PM Robert Fico whom are officials of countries that border Ukraine itself. Unlike the false omnipotence purported by the cross-Atlantic West, Orban and Fico understand the dangerous and unpredictable existing reality happening on their borders and refuse to be a party to the conflict and are proponents of a peaceful solution.

On May 15, 2024 Slovak PM Fico was shot in an attempted assassination which clearly was the beginning of a campaign against anti-Ukrainian War critics by the cross-Atlantic warmongers whom are extremely paranoid and guilt ridden by condemnation of ‘undesirables’ brave enough to speak the truth and speak out against a wretched puppet regime in Ukraine under direct control of Washington and its cross-Atlantic conspirators. Also in May 2024 trouble was brewing in the country of Georgia where a major feud with Washington was unfolding in the wake of the Georgian PM Irakli Kobakhidze passing a law on foreign agents accusing former US Ambassador Kelly Degnan of supporting opposition in the country: "[I] spoke to Derek Chollet and expressed my sincere disappointment with the two revolution attempts of 2020-2023 supported by the former US Ambassador and those carried out through NGOs financed from external sources.

On May 23, 2024 PM Kobakhidze was explicitly threatened by an EU Commissioner citing the May 15 shooting of Slovak PM Robert Fico. According to the Georgian PM, “Even amid the prolonged blackmail [by the West], it was stunning to hear this threat in a telephone conversation with one of the EU commissioners. As we spoke, the EU commissioner listed a whole range of measures that Western partners could take if the veto of the transparency law is overridden, and while listing these measures, he said, 'You have seen what happened to Fico, and you should be very careful.” By no means a coincidence, the Georgian PM publicly stated in late June that, “Tbilisi will under no circumstances become a second Ukraine.

In the first days of July 2024, PM of Hungary Viktor Orban traveled to Moscow and Beijing on a peace mission to discuss solutions of the ongoing Ukrainian War, in which Slovak PM Fico was not able to accompany Orban due to recovering from being shot in May. A severe slandering campaign against PM Orban ensued in the cross-Atlantic media as Hungary was now holding the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European July 1-December 31, 2024, which Orban sloganed to “Make Europe Great Again.” Thursday July 11, 20024 PM Orban met with former US President Donald Trump in Mar-a-Lago, Florida on the sidelines of the NATO Summit being held in Washington. Of course, the main theme of the meeting between Trump and Orban was to concretely discuss peace planning of which both Trump and Orban are publicly campaigning and advocating to the global community to end the war in Ukraine.

Within 48 hours of concluding Hungarian PM Viktor Orban’s meeting in Mar-a-Lago, former President Donald Trump survived a horrendous assassination attempt on July 13, 2024 in the US state of Pennsylvania, thankfully only wounding the former US President in the right ear, but most unfortunately killing one and wounding another in attendance. Also on July 13, 2024 Ukrainian intelligence officers were admitting to failed assassination attempts on the life of Russian President Vladimir Putin. It is of no coincidence the chain of events from May to July 2024 of attempted assassinations against anyone and everyone seeking to stop the war in Ukraine.

*Ukrainian opposition leader sends letter to Trump saying Kiev had motive to kill him*

Upon PM Viktor Orban’s return from the United States, calls for stripping Hungary of its European Council Presidency and boycotts are in full swing. Orban has repeatedly refused to wear body armor and claimed he will not ever start doing so. The Hungarian PM clearly saw the writing on the wall of plans for war and the connection of Slovak PM Robert Fico’s assassination attempt in May 2024. Ladies and gentleman, war is on the horizon. Don’t say peace in Ukraine; you will be shot like President Trump just as President Joe Biden stated he would when he put Trump “in the bulls-eye.”

R.A. Jones is an independent writer and researcher. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Global Political Awakening Project.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

"World At War"--GPA Project Ukraine War Headlines July 12, 2024


GPA Project Exclusive Ukraine Report July 2024---"World At War"

"One thing is for certain. We must do all we can to make sure that Ukraine’s 'irreversible path' to NATO ends in the demise of either Ukraine or NATO. Or - even better - both."

"Numerous publications of photos and video footage from Kiev confirm with certainty that the destruction of the Okhmatdet children's hospital complex was due to the fall of a missile that had been fired with a NASAMS system, which was deployed within city limits in violation of international humanitarian law."

"Even if they decide to surrender, everything is done to prevent them from reaching us [the Russian side], they are being killed with every kind of weapon they have at their disposal."

According to Mikhail Podolyak, Viktor Orban did not receive a mandate from the EU to play this role, and Hungary does not have "the tools to influence global processes"

"The biggest cost and the greatest risk will be if Russia wins in Ukraine. We cannot let that happen."
"I’m following the advice of the chief of staff of the military, as well as the secretary of defense, and our intelligence people. And we are making a day-to-day basis on how far they [the Ukrainian military] should go in. That’s a logical thing to do."